Snowflake Training

Duration : 2 Days

Date : 01, 02 Dec 2023


This 2-day role specific course covers how to explore, load, visualize and extract insights from the Snowflake Platform. This course will consist of lectures, labs, and discussions.

Topics Covered are:

  • Overview of Snowflake key features & architecture Perform advanced and high-performing data analytic tasks
  • Load and work with new datasets Review key SQL extensibility features
  • Query and inspect data using SQL core constructs
  • Employ best practices for working with semi-structured data
  • Discuss query caching performance capabilities
  • Visualizing data outside of Snowflake


Basic knowledge of SQL is required.

Course Contents

Snowflake Architecture and Overview

• Snowflake Overview
• Architecture 101
• How to use the Snowflake UI & ecosystem

Data Movement

• Ingesting new data into Snowflake Tables
• Working with various SQL Data Types
• Discussing streaming data
• Ingestion best practices & anti-patterns

Querying Data with SQL

• View the Schema
• Filtering data examples & best practices
• Sorting data & performance considerations
• Commonly used functions
• Save & export data output
• Time Travel queries

Query Caching Performance Features

• Result set cache
• Metadata cache
• Query data cache
• Best practices of using caching for performance and cost optimization

Performing Data Analytic Tasks

• Using Snowflakes high-performing approximation and estimation features
• Join and Union queries & tuning techniques
• Perform advanced analytic tasks using additional SQL querying capabilities including subqueries, common table expressions, and analytic functions

Using Snowflakes SQL Extensibility Features

• User-defined functions
• Stored Procedures
• Regular Views & Secured Views

Working with Semi-Structured Data

• Data source formats
• Support of native data types
• SQL Operations (Grouping, Sorting & more)
• Built-in functions for traversing, flattening, and nesting of semi-structured data

Visualizing Data

• Connecting a BI Tool to Snowflake
• Exploring & Visualizing data outside of Snowflake


Dec 01 - 02 2023


9:30 AM - 5:30 PM


INR 20,000.00




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