Blockchain & Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin Training

Bitcoin Training

Overview of Bitcoin Participant will learn about Bitcoin mechanisms and how the Bitcoin network works. You will understand why transactions with Bitcoins are secure and efficient Participant will learn how Bitcoin mining works and how blocks are added in the...

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Blockchain Ethereum and Hyperledger Training

Blockchain Ethereum and Hyperledger Training

Overview of Blockchain Ethereum and Hyperledger A Blockchain is ascending list of records, called blocks which are linked through cryptography. Each block is consisting of a cryptographic hash of the previous block, timestamp and transaction data. Please find the...

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Blockchain Security Training

Blockchain Security Training

Overview of Blockchain Security Participants can Identify and differentiate between security threats and attacks on a Blockchain network. Participant will know Blockchain security methods, best practices, risk mitigation, and more. Participant will know how to perform...

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Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Training

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Training

Overview of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Participant will have a deep understanding of the realities of Cryptocurrency, the intricacies of Blockchain technology, and an effective strategy for incorporating Cryptocurrency into investment plans. Duration 2 Days...

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Smart Contract Training

Smart Contract Training

Overview of Smart Contract Participants would have mastered the core concepts of building up smart contracts that are commonly used across multiple industries to solve large-scale problems. Duration 1 Day Prerequisite for Smart Contract Basic knowledge in...

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Solidity: Introduction to Blockchain Programming Training

Solidity: Introduction to Blockchain Programming Training

Overview of Solidity Participants will be able to create applications that implement self-enforcing business logic Participants will be able to Implement code that leaves a non-reputable and authoritative record of all transactions. Participants will be able to...

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