Overview of Webservices
This Hands-on training program on Web Services teaches the differences between SOAP-based and REST-style services, as well as why both approaches are considered superior to distributed-object architecture, such as Java EE and .NET frameworks
Please find below the objective of the session:
- Define a web service
- Deploy a web service within Apache Axis
- To understand the SOAP protocol
- To understand SOAP messages passed in between server and client
- Build, read and To understand the Web Services Description Language files
- To work with Web service stubs for Java and non-Java based services
- To understand where Web services fit in the Java EE framework
- To understand Web service security
- Identify best practices for Web service development
- To understand alternative architectures such as REST for Web services
3 Days
Prerequisite for Webservices
A good understanding of Java and XML is required for this training program.A knowledge of distributed computing would be good to have but is not mandatory for the training program.
Course Outline for Webservices
Web Services Fundamentals
- What is a Web service?
- Overview of SOAP;
- Conveying SOAP over HTTP
- RPC vs. Document formatting
- SOAP Encoded vs. Literal serialization
- The State of Play
Building and Consuming Web Services
- Building and Consuming a Web service in Java
- Java Web Services Stack (Metro)
- Building a Java Web service;
- Generating a Web service Proxy
- To call a Web service from a client application
- Overview of WSDL
- To understanding WSDL services and Ports
- Bindings
- Messages
- Schema
SOAP Payloads
- Overview of JAXB
- Simple marshalling
- Custom marshalling
- Unmarshalling
- Using JAXB in a Web Service
Web Service Operations
- Message Exchange Patterns
- Parameter passing modes
- One-way Messaging
Web Service Techniques
- Exception handling
- SOAP faults
- Asynchronous Web methods
SOAP Handling
- Overview of handlers
- Defining logical handlers
- Defining SOAP handlers
- Accessing transport headers
Binary Payloads
- Overview of binary data and SOAP
- Returning base64-encoded Binary Data
- Specifying the MIME type
- Optimizing Binary Data
Web Services in Java Enterprise Applications (Java EE)
- Overview of Java Enterprise Edition
- Example Java EE application
- The role of Web Services
RESTful Web Services
- Overview of RESTful Web services
- Java API XML RESTful WebServices (JAX-RS)
- Building a RESTful Web Service
- URI path templates
- Accessing additional HTTP info
- RESTful Design Patterns
Optional time-permitting modules: Contract-First Web Services
- Building a WSDL contract
- Building interoperable WSDL
- Generating a Web Service from WSDL
Web Service Security Overview
- Transport-level Security
- Message-level Security
- Overview of WSIT Security
- Common Administration tasks
- Transport-level user authentication
Web Service Security Examples
- Username authentication with Symmetric Keys
- Mutual Certificates Security
- Transport Security (SSL)
- SAML Authorization over SSL
Orchestrating Web Services
- Achieving orchestration with BPEL
- BPEL Control Flow and Compensation
- BPEL – State of the Industry
Enterprise Service Buses (ESB)
- What is an ESB?
- To understand the role of ESBs in Service Oriented Architecture
- ESB case studies