Overview of Advanced JavaScript
The training program dives deep into the concepts of Advanced Javascript. At the end of this
- Participants will know how to use regular expressions to validate data and as well Implement structured exception handling and Manage Ajax requests
- Participants will learn to create custom JavaScript object classes, use advanced JavaScript techniques such as closures and Write JavaScript code using established coding standards and best practices
3 Days
Prerequisite for Advanced JavaScript
Prior experience in below technologies is good to have :
- Basic JavaScript
- Basic Ajax
Course Outline for Advanced JavaScript
- Scope in JavaScript
- The var Keyword
- Scope in Nested Functions
- The let Keyword
- Exercise: Scope
Advanced Objects
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Prototyping
- Objects in JavaScript
- Prototyping in JavaScript
- Composing Prototypes
- Exercise: Prototyping
- ES2015 Classes
- Static Methods
- Exercise: ES2015 Classes & Static Methods
- Inheritance
- Maps
- Map vs Object?
- Sets
- Exercise: Guessing Game with Map and Set
- Modules
- Browser Support for ES2015 Modules
- Module Overview
- Modules Example
Advanced Functions
- Function Declarations
- Function Expressions
- Default Values
- Flexible Arguments
- Exercise: Flexible Arguments
- Closures
- Exercise: Closures
- Immediately-Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs)
- Callbacks
- Recursion
- Exercise: Recursion
Advanced Arrays
- Arrays
- Arrays Methods
- Iterators and Arrow Functions
- Iterators
- Arrow Functions
- Static Array Methods
- Array.isArray()
- Array.from()
- Array.of()
- Array Prototype Methods
- Array.prototype.fill()
- Array.prototype.filter()
- Array.prototype.find()
- Array.prototype.forEach()
- Array.prototype.indexOf()
- Array.prototype.keys()
- Array.prototype.map()
- Array.prototype.reduce()
- Exercise: Find the Mode
- XMLHttpRequest
- The XMLHttpRequest Object
- Handling the Response
- Nodejs
- Installing Node.js
- Running Node.js
- A First Node.js Application & Server
- Using the XMLHttpRequest Object
- Exercise: Ajax using the POST method
- The Callback Function
- Exercise: Displaying and Updating Records
- Promises
- CORS/JSONP: Accessing Remote Sites
- Exercise: Retrieving Country Info from GeoNames via CORS
- Exercise: Retrieving State Names from Yahoo! with JSONP
- CORS Vs JSONP Differences
- Review of Object Literals
- Arrays
- Objects
- Arrays in Objects
- Objects in Arrays
- Back to JSON
- JSON Syntax
- JSON Parsers
- Exercise: Using JSON
Errors & Exceptions
- Runtime Errors
- Completely unhandled errors
- Globally handled errors
- Structured Error Handling
- Throwing custom errors
- Nested Try/Catch
- Exercise: Try/Catch/Finally
Regular Expressions
- Getting Started
- JavaScript’s Regular Expression Methods
- Flags
- String Methods
- Regular Expression Syntax
- Start and End ( ^ $ )
- Number of Occurrences ( ? + * {} )
- Common Characters ( . \d \D \w \W \s \S )
- Grouping ( [] )
- Negation ( ^ )
- Subpatterns ( () )
- Alternatives ( | )
- Escape Character ( \ )
- Backreferences
- Form Validation with Regular Expressions
- Exercise: Advanced Form Validation
- Cleaning Up Form Entries
- Exercise: Cleaning Up Form Entries