Overview of ISTQB
The objective of this course is to prepare trainees for ISTQB Foundation level. This is a certification targeted for professionals who need a basic understanding of software testing, such as test designers, test analysts, test engineers, test consultants, test managers, user acceptance testers and IT Professionals.
2 Days
Prerequisite for ISTQB
There are no Pre-requisites for this course
Course Outline for ISTQB
- Fundamentals of Testing
- Why is Testing Necessary?
- What Is Testing?
- Seven Testing Principles
- Fundamental Testing Process
- The Psychology of Testing
- Code of Ethics
- Testing Throughout the Project Lifecycle
- Software Development Models
- Test Levels
- Test Types
- Maintenance Testing
- Static Techniques
- Static Techniques and the Test Process
- Review Process
- Static Analysis by Tools
- Testing Design Techniques
- The Test Development Process
- Categories of Test Design Techniques
- Specification based Techniques (Black Box)
- Structure based Techniques (White Box)
- Experience Based Techniques
- Choosing Test Techniques
- Test Management
- Test Organization
- Test Planning and Estimation
- Test Progress Monitoring and Control
- Configuration Management
- Risk & Testing
- Incident Management
- Tool Support for Testing
- Types of Test Tools
- Effective Use of Tools – Potential Benefits and Risks
- Introducing a Tool into an Organization
- Exam Related Tips & Techniques
- Quiz
- Sample Questions
- Testing Videos
- Instructor will also broadcast about 6-7 videos showcasing key Testing Concepts
- Sample Tests
- Participants will appear for one pre course Test (Day 1) & another test on the end of the program (Day 3)
- PDF Version of Instructors Slides
- Training Videos on ISTQB
- ISTQB Sample Questions (Approx. 400 questions in pdf format)
- Practice Exercises (PDF Version)