Overview of Cloud Computing
- Once the training is completed the participants will have a theoretical understanding of cloud computing and will be in a position to assess their application objectives and decide how to deploy their application in the cloud with ease
- Participants will get a good understanding of the important aspects of cloud, the tooling used, and how to engineer their applications to work in the cloud
- Have a sound understanding of the various AWS and how to leverage AWS to build and deploy applications in the cloud.
3 Days
Prerequisite for Cloud Computing
- Knowledge of Operating Systems, Virtualization, Networking
- Understanding the Difference Between Public and Private Cloud Computing
Course Outline for Cloud Computing
Introduction to Cloud Computing
- A quick history
- Client Server Computing Concepts
- Introduction – Cloud Computing
- Why Cloud Computing?
- Benefits of Cloud Computing
Networking Basics
- Understanding the Networking Concepts
- OSI Model
- Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Introduction to Virtualization
- Role of Virtualization in Cloud Computing
- Types of Virtualization
- Examples of Virtualization
- Benefits of Virtualization
- Virtualization terminologies
- Emulator
- Hypervisor
- Backup and Snapshotting
- Failover
- Examples of Virtualization
- VMware
- VirtualBox
- Qemu / KVM
Types of Cloud Computing
- Software as a Service
- Platform as a Service
- Infrastructure as a Service
- Other XaaS’s
Characteristics of Cloud Computing
- API based access
- Cost
- Device independence
- Virtualization
- Multitenancy Cloud Deployment Models
- Public Cloud
- Private Cloud
- Hybrid Cloud
- When to choose what?
Cloud Computing Issues
- Privacy
- Compliance
- Legality
- Security
Cloud Architectures
- Stateless architectures
- Handling failures in the cloud
Cloud Computing – Analysing the Space
- Major cloud providers
- Important cloud related software
PAAS – Deep Dive
- Benefits of PAAS
- Issues with PAAS
- PAAS Examples
- Google AppEngine
- Heroku
- Windows Azure
Web Application Engineering in the Cloud
- Load Balancer
- Web Servers
- Application Servers
- Scaling web and application servers
- Data stores/Cloud Storage
- Relational Databases
- NoSQL databases
- Scaling datastores
- Storing and analysing unstructured data in the cloud
- Data Analysis and the Hadoop Ecosystem
- Eliminating SPOFs
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Introduction to the AWS products
- Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
- Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
- Elastic Block Storage (EBS)
- Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
- Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
- Amazon DynamoDB
- Auto Scaling
- Amazon ElastiCache
IAAS – Deep Dive
- Understanding cloud terminologies
- Compute
- Storage
- Networking
- Other services on the periphery
- IAAS Providers
- Amazon AWS
- Google Compute Engine
- Elastic Compute Cloud Essentials
- Introduction to the AWS Management Console
- Regions & Availability Zones – How to choose the right one?
- AMI [Amazon Machine Images]
- Setting up security
- Finding the right AMI
- How to choose the right instance type? – Launching instance
- Security via Key Pairs
- Working with the Security Group
- Assigning Elastic IPs
- Logging into the instance
EC2 Instances
- Deciding between
- On-demand instances
- Spot instances
- Reserved instances
- EC2 Reserved Instance Marketplace
Working with AMIs
- Choosing the right AMI
- Creating your own AMI
- Deciding what goes into an AMI
Elastic Block Store (EBS)
- Creating and deleting volumes
- Attaching and detaching volumes
- Mounting and Unmounting the attached volume
- Creating snapshots
Simple Storage Service (S3)
- Creating and deleting buckets
- Adding objects to buckets
- Getting objects
- Deleting objectsa
Relational Database Service (RDS)
- Selecting the Engine
- Configuring the Database Engine
- Creating your Database
- Setting up automatic backups
- Authorizing access to the DataBase through DataBase Security Groups
- Debugging cloud related issues
- Monitoring the AWS Service Health Dashboard
- Monitoring with CloudWatch
- Getting statistics for a specific EC2 instance
- Getting aggregated statistics
- Metrics for other AWS Services and related namespaces
- Setting up notifications
- Using command-line tools
- Users and Groups
- Permissions and Policies
- Roles
- Creating admin groups through UI & the command line
- Elastic Beanstalk
- Simple Notification Service (SNS)
- Simple Email Service (SES)
- Simple Queue Service (SQS)
Case Studies – Amazon Web Services
- Building a simple web application in the cloud
- Building a community-based photo / video sharing site
- Building an ad-serving site in the cloud