Overview of CHEF Fundamentals
This course is to introduce participants to what Chef is, make them well versed with the core concepts, Master/Agent and Standalone modes, and enable them to write Infrastructure as a code. This course also teaches how to integrate Chef with AWS tools and handle the complete lifecycle of cloud infrastructure.
- This introductory course is targeted for the DevOps professionals, experienced sysadmins who want to understand what Chef is, how it is used, and how to use its primitives to automate their own infrastructure.
3 Days
Prerequisite for CHEF Fundamentals
- Basic of Linux/Unix system concepts
- Understanding of Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Understanding of a Text Editors
Course Outline for CHEF Fundamentals
Day I
- A high-level overview of Chef, Recipes, Cookbooks, Run lists, Roles, Search
- Installation and Configuration
- Standalone Chef/ chef-solo
- Public Chef: client/server
- Hosted Chef/Multi-Tenant Chef
- Workstation Setup
- Knife Client
- Test Node/Client Setup
- Convergence
- Node Object
- Cookbooks, Recipes Resources
- Packages, Cookbook Files, Services
- Run list
Day II
- Cookbook Attributes
- ERB Templates
- Cookbook Dependencies
- Data Bags
- Attribute Precedence
- Cookbook Metadata
- Execute Resource
- Not if/ Only if conditionals
- Directories
- Notifications
- Template Variables
- Roles: Role-based attributes and merge order
- Chef Environments
- Using Community Cookbooks
Additional Topics If Time Permits
- Just enough ruby for Chef
- Writing custom LWRPs ( Custom Resource and Providers)