Overview of AWS Architect
AWS is the most popular and most widely used cloud platform in the world. This AWS Solutions Architect course will teach you design principles, including strategies for networking, storage, DNS, DBaaS, Monitoring, Load Balancing and much more.
At the end of this Training, participants will have a strong understanding of :
- AWS Overview
- Identity Access Management
- AWS-Object-Storage/CDN-S3, Glacier/CloudFront
- EC2 – The Backbone of AWS
- Route 53
- Databases on AWS
- DynamoDB
- Application Services
4 Days
Prerequisite for AWS Architect
Basic Coding Skills and Knowledge of Cloud Computing are sufficient to attend the AWS Solutions Architect Training Program
Course Outline for AWS Solutions Architect Training
AWS – Overview
- AWS – Overview
- Sign Up To AWS Free Tier
Identity-Access-Management (IAM)
- IAM-101
- Labs IAM
- Create A Billing Alarm – Lab
- Summary of IAM
AWS-Object-Storage/CDN-S3, Glacier/CloudFront
- S3-101
- Create an S3 Bucket: Lab
- Version Control: Lab
- Cross-Region-Replication
- Lifecycle Management/Glacier: Lab
- Overview of Cloud Front CDN
- Create a Cloud Front CDN: Lab
- S3 – Security/Encryption
- Storage Gateway
- Snowball
- Snowball – Lab
- S3-Transfer-Acceleration
- Creating A Static Website by Using S
EC2 – The Backbone of AWS
- EC2 101
- Launching An EC2 Instance
- Security Groups Basics
- Upgrade EBS Volume Types: Lab
- Creating a Windows EC2-Instance & RAID Group
- Create An AMI: Lab
- AMI’s – EBS Root Volumes vs Instance Store
- Load-Balancers and Health-Checks
- Cloud Watch EC2
- The AWS Command-Line & EC2
- IAM: roles with EC
- S3-CLI and Regions
- Using Bootstrap Scripts
- EC2 Instance Metadata
- Autoscaling 101: Lab
- EC2-Placement-Groups
- Concepts and Lab: EFS
- Lambda – Concepts
- Build A Serverless Webpage
- EC2 Summary
Route 53
- DNS 101
- Registering A Domain Name – Route53: Lab
- Setup Our EC2 Instances: Lab
- Simple-Routing-Policy: Lab
- Weighted Routing Policy – Lab
- Latency-Routing-Policy – Lab
- Failover Routing Policy – Lab
- Geolocation Routing Policy – Lab
- DNS Exam Tips
Databases on AWS
- Databases 101
- Launching an RDS Instance – Lab
- RDS – Backups, Multi-AZ & Read Replicas
- DynamoDB
- RedShift
- Elasticache
- Aurora
- Databases Summary
- Introduction to NoSQL Database
- How to use Amazon DynamoDB.
- Create an Amazon DynamoDB table.
- Load data into an Amazon DynamoDB table.
- Query Amazon DynamoDB.
- Delete an Amazon DynamoDB table.
- View information about the Amazon DynamoDB environment
- Creating Stack
- Updating Stack
- Considerations for updating stacks
- Elastic BeanStalk
- Deploying sample application using Elastic Beanstalk
- Comparing Elastic Beanstalk and CloudFormation
- Introduction & Overview
- Build Your Own Custom VPC – Lab
- Network Address Translation (NAT)
- Network Access Control Lists vs Security Groups
- Custom VPC’s and ELBs
- VPC Flow Logs
- NATs vs Bastions
- VPC End Points
- VPC Clean Up –Lab
- Summary
Application Services
- Elastic Transcoder
- API Gateway
- Kinesis
- Kinesis – Lab
- Application Services Summary
Environment Monitoring & Best Practices
- AWS Config
- AWS Cloudtrail
- AWS CloudWatch
- Metrics
- Custom Metrics
- Alerts
- CloudWatch Dashboard
- The Real World – Creating a fault tolerant Word Press Site
- Getting Setup
- Setting Up EC2
- Adding Resilience And Cloud Front
- Setting Up Our AMI’s
- Configuring Autoscaling & Load Testing
- CloudFormation!