AWS Developer Online Workshop
Duration : 4 Days (9:30 AM to 5:30 PM)
Date : 9, 10, 11, 12 March 2022
AWS is the most popular and most widely used cloud platform in the world. This course will teach you design principles, including strategies for networking, storage, DNS, DBaaS, Monitoring, Load Balancing and much more. In this corporate training program, participants will learn how to interact with AWS using Code, learn how to build secure and scalable cloud applications on AWS as well as troubleshooting tips.
Basic Coding Skills and Knowledge about how does a cloud function
Course Contents
Intro to AWS
Introduction to AWS
AWS 10,000 feet above
- History of AWS
- Exploring all tools in AWS
- Four Parts
Identity-Access-Management (I A M)
- IAM-101
- Security Token
- Active Directory Federation
- Web Identity Federation
EC2 and Getting Setup
- EC2
- Launching first EC2 instances
- Using putty with EC2
- Security groups
- Upgrading storage
- CLI Commands
- Bash Scripting
- Using PHP SDK
- Elastic Load Balancer
- Lambda
- S3 essentials
- Creating S3 bucket
- Creating S3 website
- Building serverless webpage
- S3 version control
- Cross-region-replication
- S3 lifecycle management
- Glacier
- Cloud Front
- Create CDN
- S3 security & encryption
- Storage gateway
- Snow ball
- S3-transfer-acceleration
- Database concepts
- Starting RDS
- MySQL as a DB
- Amazon Redshift
- Intro to DynamoDB
- Creating DynamoDB table
- DynamoDB Indexes
- Scan VS Query
- Other imp aspects
- Intor to AWS IoT
- Implementing AWS IoT
Simple Queue Service
- What is SQS?
- SQS exam-tips
- Introduction to SNS
- Creating SNS Topic
- SNS Summary
Introduction to SWF
Elastic Beanstalk
- Intro to Beanstalk
- Using Elastic Beanstalk
Cloud Formation
- Intro to Cloud Formation
- Using Cloud Formation
Data Pipeline
- Intro to Data Pipeline
- Using Data Pipeline
- AWS Kinesis
- AWS Redshift
- AWS Datapipeline
Route53 and DNS
- Route53
- Simple routing policy
- Weighted routing policy
- Latency routing policy
- Failover routing policy
- Geolocation routing policy
Virtual Private Cloud
- VPS overview
- Building custom VPC
- Network Address Translation
- NATs vs Bastion
- VPS Flow Logs