Advanced Power BI
Duration : 2 Days
Lab Setup
Microsoft Power BI Desktop
Download Link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=58494
Course Contents
- Introduction to Business Intelligence (BI)
- Stages of business intelligence (BI)
- Introduction to Power BI
- Why Power BI
- Power BI Components
- Power BI pricing structure
- Building blocks of Power BI
- Architecture of Power BI
- Introduction of Power BI Desktop
- Installation of Power BI Desktop
- The key features of Power BI workflow
- Process of creating reports in Power BI
Working with Different Sources
- Import from Excel
- Import from CSV
- Import from SQL Server
- Import from Jira/ServiceNow
Reports Development
- Reports Development in Power BI
- Working with Different Visuals
- Bar Chart
- Pie Chart
- Donut Chart
- Line Chart
- Area Chart
- Stacked bar chart
- Gauge Chart
- Ribbon Chart
- Formatting Options in Reports
- Setting the titles of the report
- Putting the logos on the report
- Buttons on the report
- Changing colors and fonts on the report
- Working with Filters
- Page Level
- Include/Exclude
- Report Level
- Cross report Filter
- Class exercises
Data Transformation – Shaping and Combining data
- Shaping data using Power Query Editor
- Formatting data
- Transformation of data
- Understanding of Data types
- Data profiling for data quality check
- Naming conventions & best practices to consider
- Working with Parameters
- Merge Query
- Append Query
- Group by of data (aggregation of data)
- Applied steps (query settings)
- Duplicate & Reference tables
- Transpose of data
- Fill
- Pivot & Un-pivot of data
- Custom columns
- Conditional columns
- Replace data from the tables
- Split columns values
- Move columns & sorting of data
- Detect data type, count rows & reverse rows
- Promote rows as column headers
- Hierarchies in Power BI
Data Analytics using Visualization
- Deep dive into Power BI data visualization
- Understanding Power View and Power Map
- Data visualization techniques
- Page layout & Formatting
- Power BI Desktop visualization
- Formatting and customizing visuals
- Visualization interaction
- Custom visualization in Power BI
- Top-down and bottom-up analytics
- Drill down
- Drill through
- Page navigations
- Bookmarks
- Selection pane to show/hide visuals
- Comparing volume and value-based analytics
- Combinations charts (dual axis charts)
- Filter pane
- Slicers
- Use of Hierarchies in drill down analysis
- Theme for corporate standards
- Power BI template for design reusability
- Mastering the best practices
- Performance analyzer in Power BI for monitoring performance of report
- Power BI Q&A (Natural Language Query visual)
- Sync slicers
- Tooltips & custom tooltips
- Tables & matrix
- Conditional formatting on visuals
- Waterfall chart, KPI, Donut chart, Scatter chart
- Geographical data visualization using Maps
Data Modeling and DAX
- Introduction of relationships
- Creating relationships
- Cardinality
- Cross filter direction
- Use of inactive relationships
- Introduction of DAX
- Why DAX is used
- DAX syntax
- DAX functions
- Context in DAX
- Calculated columns using DAX
- Measures using DAX
- Calculated tables using DAX
- Learning about table, information, logical, text, iterator,
- Time intelligence functions (YTD, QTD, MTD)
- Cumulative values, calculated tables, and ranking and rank over groups
- Date and time functions
- DAX advanced features
- Class project
- Quiz
Power BI Report Server
- Introduction to Power BI Report Server
- Introduction of workspaces
- Reports vs Dashboards
- Building workspace Apps
- Sharing reports
- Subscribe, Alerts, Usage statics, Related content
- Design reports on Power BI Service
- Collaboration using Power BI Service
- Row Level Security (RLS)
Power BI settings –Admin and Direct connectivity
- Scheduling auto data refresh